8 Jan
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2012 Review, a busy year but looking forwards to an even busier 2013

2012 has been a good year for me keeping busy throughout. I have continued working with many long-term clients on a freelance basis. I have also made some exciting new clients who I will be carrying on working with in 2013.

I have been receiving a lot of referrals from past clients and also a steady stream of enquiries coming through LinkedIn and this website. I have also been referred some smaller jobs from local website design companies as they cannot cater for low budget websites.

At points throughout 2012 I had to turn work down as it seems many website owners & agencies were struggling to find reliable web developers & designers at reasonable rates.

It is obvious to me now that there is so much website related work out there. I am really glad I made the jump into this industry.

I hate turning work down as it really did seem there were a lot of the people who couldn’t find someone to help them. For this reason I have now sourced some other reliable developers and designers to help take on the extra jobs when my workflow is high. I will still deal directly with clients rather than passing the work on, as I want to keep a close eye on the quality of the work that is been produced under my name.

Having these extra developers & designers on board will also allow me to take on larger projects preventing me being tied up for months on end. I am aiming to get a network of freelancers who I am confident working with and then really starting to market our services. If you may be interested in working with me please get in-touch.

During 2012 a few larger clients used my services rather than website design agencies as they wanted a service on a more personal level. In a few of these cases it seemed the larger web companies could not offer website updating and maintenance services. For this reason I am now offering these services via my new website www.lovewebsitehosting.com which will be live shortly.

Over the coming year I am going to update this website with any new projects in which  I am involved with which can be displayed. I am hoping to revamp the way in which I display the project on this website and also create another site as mentioned above which will be aimed at clients who are interested budget website packages and managed website hosting.

Many of the projects I work on cannot be displayed on this site as I work alongside other companies or they are behind a private logins. During 2012 I worked on some really exciting projects learning much from them. Below are some of the highlights from 2012

  • Created an Object Orientated Content Management System aimed at school websites.
  • Worked with both iTagg & TxtNation API’s to send text via a website.
  • Created 70 website from scratch for a whole range of clients.
  • Worked with a teams of developers in the USA & Australia on some large projects.
  • Was trusted by a number of agencies to help run their digital side of their business.
  • I am sure they are some more…

Thank you for reading and I hope everyone has a successful 2013.

So, what do you think?
